Monday, December 16, 2013

Riots in poor villages and towns

An interview of a young woman who seemed to be in her thirties, by NDTV, on the site where blankets were being distributed, revealed that she had lost 2 of her 6 children.
This probably gave me an insight into possible causes of the real problems which are simmering under the surface. These simmering problems need just an excuse to manifest themselves into such riots.
While it is necessary to apply ointment on the open wounds, unless we identify the root cause, a permanent cure is not possible.
In this case I was appalled to hear that this young woman already had six children. These days even middle class families try to have keep the number under three, if not just one. What's happening in our villages?
Where is the space in Uttar Pradesh to have six children in each family in a village or town or a city? Where are the resources for even passable parenting, forget good parenting, if a couple has six children? Do parents even have time (forget money) to teach their children on how to become a good citizen, if they produce six children (or more - this lady definitely seemed fit enough)? Won't teenagers of such families be simply loitering around? How can families keep producing children and expect the state (tax payers at the end) to provide for them?
There was a time when family planning was a given great push, for many years. "Hum Do, Hamare Do" was the slogan behind every state bus. What is happening now? Should not there be accountability to justify the funds being used under the banner of 'family welfare'?
During emergency Family Planning got a bad name and for good reason as some people in power went overboard and in order to reach the "quota", they became ruthless. But it does not mean that the concept itself is bad. In India we need to perpetually educate the masses about 'Family Planning' for next 100 years.

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