Sunday, December 15, 2013

Popular keywords in Google

I was doing some search on Google for keywords for my software solutions. I didn't find what I was looking for, but encountered a page which claims that following keywords are most costly:


The Top 10 costliest Keywords are:

  1. Insurance: Most probably it must be for any type of insurance like car insurance or life insurance
  2. Loans: Like insurance loans can also be multiple types: car loans, house loans, education loans
  3. Mortgage: Loan and mortgages have close relationship. Many a times you mortgage something valuable to secure a loan.
  4. Attorney: Nothing surprising as attorneys are likely to be involved at every stage. An attorney may be needed while mortgaging your property for a loan or even later if one is unable to repay a loan as per agreed terms.
  5. Credit: Loan and Credit are one and same almost so nothing surprising that credit is searched so much also.
  6. Lawyer: obviously lawyer and attorneys are interchangeable words for a common man. Professional lawmen of course differentiate between a lawyer and an attorney.
  7. Donate: This seems unconnected to above. May be blood donation is researched. Or may be here donate may be just for sites where a software developer asks for donation for a free software
  8. Degree: Not sure whether degree here is used for educational or legal purposes as the word degree is used in both
  9. Hosting: Surely hosting is used in connection with web hosting. I can't think what else will make "hosting" a costly keyword.
  10. Claim: Claim brings us back to top six keywords. Claims is a word used commonly in insurance, mortgages, court cases (hence attorneys and lawyers).

The next ten most expensive keywords were the following:

  1. Conference Call: It shows people are looking for reducing cost of doing business. Conference calls can drastically reduce cost of travel. Conference calls save time and money.
  2. Trading Software: Wow! This is interesting. Trading software being searched is a good omen for software developers! It also means that trading companies are actively looking for software to computerize their businesses
  3. Recovery: I feel recovery here is more related to the top six keywords above than for recovery used in medicine or recovery word used for taking a broken car to garage.
  4. Transfer: Not sure why transfer is so costly. What transfer? Call transfer in PBX? or transfer an officer from one city to another? Or transfer money?
  5. Gas/Electricity: Gas and electricity, I guess people must be searching to find out, hot to reduce cost of. Both gas and electricity have become very costly of late.
  6. Classes: The search for word classes may either be for education or programming like C+ or other object oriented programming languages
  7. Rehab: The unfortunate widespread use of drug may be the reason why rehab is being searched.
  8. Treatment: The word rehab above and treatment here definitely point to medical reasons of treatment of drug abuse and then rehab of patient.
  9. Cord Blood: I have never heard of this term cord blood. But I guess it could be used in blood transfusion where a cord (tube) is used for blood transfusion.

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