Monday, April 22, 2013

Who Is Responsible For The Rot That Is Set In India?

Has Indian society suddenly become so rotten with rape cases being reported everyday ? Or was the rot set long back and only now it is being exposed more often? I believe latter is the case.

Simply put, we are a society of selfish people. Recent reported rapes are mere manifestation of these traits of ours. From childhood we are taught to take advantage of others by unfair means, as long as we do not get caught. Doesn't a rape fall into same category?

In schools, on lower classes, children are given projects to do. The purpose behind these projects is for the youngster to use his or her own imagination, resources and skills for self development. It is only fair that these projects are later evaluated and given some marks as well as exhibited.

But what really happens? In many (most?) cases it is the parents who do the projects.

It is evident that the project was not done by the student and yet these projects get higher marks and recognition in the class and school exhibitions. Why does this happen? It happens because the teachers are competing among themselves - whose class exhibition is "best"?! This, to impress the principal or head master or supervisor. Neither teachers nor the parents care if in this "match within a match", wrong values are being imparted to kids!

What do the young minds learn at that tender age?

1. Winning at any cost is ok, if you are not punished for wrong doing.

2. Teachers do not mind you cheating as long as it gives them some benefit.

We are creating young criminals who have lost any sense of fair play. When they grow up, they commit heinous crimes, sometimes in the knowledge that even if they are caught, they would get away by greasing the palm of authorities.

All this has been happening for decades now. It is an open secret that promotions and placements can be purchased in government departments by paying bribes to higher ups and politicians.

Therefore, while every rape case continues to horrify me, I would like to ask all those parents who completed project work for their children in schools and all those who purchased or sold promotions and favourable transfers through bribes, why should it surprise you? You are the ones who created these monsters – the rapists.

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