Thursday, November 27, 2008

26/11 In India - Mumbai

The terrorist attack on Mumbai is not just an attack on Mumbai, it is a slap on our face, on the face of all India. It is not just a question of catching or terminating the individuals who infiltrated Mumbai. We MUST go to ANY length in order to TERMINATE the planners of such attacks, whichever part of the world they may be hiding in.

Our government should allow absolute free hand to agencies, experts and people who have the intellectual capability and physical ability to go out and GET THESE vermin. Diplomacy should not be allowed to come between our agents and these terrorists.

Let the whole world know that India WILL NOT TAKE IT ANYMORE. Period. Either you are a friend or a foe.

I am also a bit perturbed (hopefully unnecessarily) by the news channels showing pictures and asking questions, which are sensitive in nature for a successful operation of flushing out the terrorists and safety of hostages.

Also, one person Deepak was able to speak to NDTV using his mobile (apparently) from inside Taj. My worry is that if he could speak, then so would the terrorists with those who are providing logistic help, so why is mobile services not disconnected?

Another question that comes to mind is, there are around 5 different agencies working together to bring situation under control. They are wearing different uniforms. My worry is: if they storm the premises together, have they gone through any or sufficient exercises together to instinctively recognise each other as friendly force or else their would be a possibility of 'friendly fire'. It would be a matter of life and death to recognise in a split second, whether the person across the corridor aiming a gun at you, is your partner or terrorist. I hope our forces have taken care of such basic things while preparing a joint action.

Finally once again, we HAVE to go after these people who are planning war against India absolutely ruthlessly and with a sense of urgency. And only those who are truly competent to deliver should be taken into such a task force - right from top (cabinet minister) to the peon who moves files.

The other thing that bugs me is titles like "India's 9/11" in Star News, NDTV etc. It smacks of an inferiority complex somewhere.

I also did not like Srinivasan of NDTV talking about Taj Hotel's past with world leaders while trying to fill the air time - when the backdrop is about hostages, guests' lives in danger, cops already killed. It seemed a bit flippant, though he did not mean to be that. Also, in his eagerness to please Roy the DG of police, Srinivasan said that Bombay police is in forefront of counter attack, only for Roy to mention later that NSG is actually leading the combined forces and Bombay police is doing as instructed.

A question for Raj Thackeray: Should NSG be allowed to operate in Mumbai - most of them may not be Maratha!

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