Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Can Eid (Id) and Navaratri start on same day?

Since Navaratri starts on first day of moon cycle (called padva in Hindi), the previous day has to be amavasya (no moon day). So how can Eid (or Id as it is spelt in India) start on same day as Navaratri?

Has this something to do with moon cycle not being of exact 29 days ?

If someone can enlighten me on this or point to a website that explains it in an easy to understand manner, it would be much appreciated.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Dear Superstitious Person

When you bought a new car did I or any member of my family ever tell you NOT to crack a coconut or NOT to put a lemon under each tyre or NOT to tie some green chiles behind the car or NOT to perform any other ridiculous ritual? No, right ?

Well then, when we buy a new car, please do not tell us to do these irritating rituals. We do not want to contribute to such superstitions. Thank you.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

NVR Raja and Time & Attendance System

If this is sounding like a "to be continued..." type of story, it's because "Blogger" has some limit on number of characters in each blog. Towards the end of my last post, I couldn't enter additional text.

Anyway, to cut the chase, yes! it turned out to be our very own NVR Raja!

What a feeling!

So besides helping companies in maintaining attendance, TAS2000 helped in re-uniting old friends too.

What a great product :-)

Monday, September 22, 2008

Time and Attendance Solution & and old friend

It may seem strange but it is true that when I started this blog, my only intention was to drive some traffic to my website http://www.softoolsme.com/ for our Time & Attendance software solution (TAS2000). However an year passed and I did not post even the first content that I had created (which I found in draft mode) 2-3 weeks back.

Anyway, coming back to the point, I have developed a Time & Attendance System and it is on our website. When someone comes to our website, they can fill up a form giving their name and email address. Based on this, an email goes out automatically to that person, with a link to the page from where our software (free evaluation version) can be downloaded.

A CC comes to me as well.

Yesterday when I came back from a visit, I saw an email that had gone to one N.V.R. Raja of Hyderabad, who had made a request for the link of our TAS2000 software !

N.V.R. Raja ? How many NVR Rajas can be there in India? NVR Raja and I had worked together in KIOCL (Kudremukh Iron Ore Company, Limited) for 6 years (1978-84), we had gone to USA for training in Process Control programming together. Could it be the same NVR Raja?

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sonu Nigam

I am right now listening to Sonu Nigam's program on Sony. This program was presented live in some 'phirangi' country (is it THE Alber Hall?). He is singing one after another great Mohammed Rafi numbers. Anyway, I am SO disappointed! I am (was, now) Sonu Nigam fan, but his rendering is so below expectations. I am sorry that I switched to this channel because now I can't move away from it and the more I hear Sonu Nigam singing these old songs, the more I am disappointed.

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Wonderful to see at least one board (Sri Lanka) standing up to BCCI's dadagiri and choosing te path of fairness and truth. Unfortunately the same people who, when it suits them, use Mahatama Gandhi's name, do not hesitate to crush (or try to crush) their perceived opponents with fair or foul means.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Two Stories On Indian National Flag

1. Teachers of closed schools suspended for not hoisting tricolour

2. Indian flag burnt in Srinagar

Tendulkar should go now

I agree that there should be different set of norms for great and not so great players. In that respect I tend to nod my head in agreement when people say that Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar should be allowed to select his own time period for retiring.

However my agreement is only up to the point where there is no better player (currently, we are not discussing total greatness of a player in his career) than him in term of total deliverables in a match.

We can see that India is winning ODI series inspite (or BECAUSE?) of his absence. The last Australian and Sri Lankan tours are proofs enough.

Therefore it is time that Tendulkar starts thinking of retirement, if he believes in 'graceful exit'. By 'graceful exit' I mean there should be reasonably large number of people left in the world who genuinely ask "why?"

Thing is, plenty are already asking "why not?"

Sunday, September 14, 2008

MS Access 2000 Property Sheet in Form View

If appearance of property sheet in Form View of Microsoft Access is puzzling you, it is because of the "Allow Design Changes" settings. Change it to "Design View Only" (click 'All' tab in the property sheet and go right to the bottom).