Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Is Policeman's Life Less Important Than A Cricketer's?

I do understand that policemen will be needed for crowd control. I also understand that a well organised posse of policemen will go after a gang of dacoits and may even lose some brave men. I do not deny that some policemen will be seriously injured in line of duty while controlling riots.

But why should an unsuspecting policeman be used as a sacrificial pawn to protect another person who has knowingly ventured out to play or watch a game of bat and ball, despite all the warnings?

Are we saying that playing cricket is so important that it is okay to let some policemen die while trying to save the life of some cricketers or watchers?

My point is: if we already know that there is grave danger to life from a faceless enemy who can appear from nowhere and at will, then the police force should be used to weed out the source of that danger in an organised and planned manner; not as fodder to terrorists who can attack as and when they like. Why should we assume that it is the duty of policemen to save the life of reckless people involved in playing and watching the game when the right thing for them was to stay at home?

Seriously, why should you be held responsible to save my life, if inspite of all the warnings, I am foolish enough to go out to play or watch a game where a bat hits a ball? Just because you are a policeman? Frankly, I am not convinced.


  1. You are right. But it is one of the ironies. Or may be perspective. Proximity determines intimacy. The players are known to 'us', the policeman may not be. Compare: after an accident (or calamity) when some one says, "oh my god...I was about to be there...but the plan changed...thank god...". Is the speaker's life more precious than the victims? Again, the speaker is believed to be nearer to the listener. -- Sundar

  2. No your point is not correct. As a service man i would say that the police man did his duty and laid his life . The service men and police men lay their lives when ordered to do so and they do it willingly as dictated. Pl rem if they do not would the ordinary public be safe in carrying out their normal business. It would be right if you question the political bosses in charge of the country and his superiors. a service man or a police man knows his job and does what he is told and he is paid for that job alone. He does not question and does his duty for the nation and for the political bosses in charge.So please do not flay the service man or the police man.
    achuta ramaiah
    wing commander
    iit madras 67 batch

  3. Achuta, if you read my blog again, you will find that I am NOT flaying the service or police men - in fact quite the contrary.

    I am questioning the fairness of throwing a policeman into a situation knowing very well that it could lead to his death, when the situation itself could be avoided totally.
