Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obama's Inauguration

1. Speech:
Bottom Line: Not inspiring enough to meet the high expectations set by his acceptance speech. The “Yes We CAN” flavour was missing.

2. Oath Taking:
Unimpressive because of the fumble - for which the oath giver is to be blamed. He spoke long string of words which were not easy to repeat.

3. Overall Ceremony:
WOW! Americans do have a sense of drama. Good entertainment. Kept us glued to the TV. I wonder if even Pakistanis & Sri Lankans would have watched their 1st daynight ODI of this series!!!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Indian Woman Taken To US Without Mumbai Police Knowledge?

PTI has reported that Uddaiya, the woman who saw the 26/11 Mumbai terrorists arrive in city was whisked away to US without apparent knowledge of Mumbai police! I say apparent because the news item of Gulf News (January 16 2009, page 29) implies the same - when Uddaiya is reported to have said that she lied to Mumbai police after she returned from US about her whereabouts for last few days.

This news item begs a few questions. Can a key witness to India's biggest terror attack ever, be taken away by some people (US agents or not) and Indian police (Mumbai police in this case) is unaware of it?

Common sense says that it is much much difficult to whisk away a well known person without the knowledge of security people than for an unknown face to merge into mainstream of Mumbai's teaming population.

So if Mumbai police could really let it's key witness be whisked away to a foreign land without it's knowledge, then how prepared is it to catch the next terrorist in the city?

Somehow it is difficult to digest that Uddaiya was taken to US without full knowledge of Mumbai police. For one thing, when was her passport made?

When things don't make sense, my first instinct is to go back and question the premises themselves.

I feel this whole story is a made up one, it is made of some truths, some half truths and some falsehoods.

I refuse to believe that Mumbai police could be this incompetent. I have more respect for it.